Saturday, July 17, 2010

A-Art History Self-portrait

Choose a portrait
from an art history
book, use any era, any media.
Take a self-portrait with
a digital camera. Combine
the two images. Use any color
medium; paint pastels, colored

B-Bacon Portrait

Study the fantastic portraits
by Guiseppe Arcimboldo.
Gather the grocery store adds
from your junk mail. Cut out
the food adds and sort by color.
You can use all meat, all veggies,
etc. Sketch a quick contour
portrait of someone in your house
or use a mirror and draw yourself.
Cut and glue the adds to create
a contemporary Arcimboldo portrait.

C-Candy Wrapper Collage

Get a pack of your favorite candy
or gum, share it with others. Save
all the wrapping. Use a glue stick
to create a dynamic composition
using the wrappers.
Leave some space for
drawing/painting/collaging. Add
your own style to the collage.


Study Suerat and other pointalist
impressionists. Use either a picture
in your d. book, or get an object from
outside (flower/leaf, etc.). Briefly
sketch the object. Use Qtips and
acrylic paint to add color and value.
Be sure to create a range of values.

E-Exaggerated Face

Study Picasso's Cubist portraits.
Using a mirror, draw both
front and side views of your
face parts in an unusual
arrangement. Add color or value.

F-Finish the Photo

Find an old photo at home; could be a
landscape, vacation photo, anything
with a good range of color.
Glue the photo in the center
of a primed page. Using acrylic paint
attempt to mix and match the colors
of the photo and extend the image
to the rest of the page.
Manipulate your brush to recreate
textures as close as possible.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

G-Garbage Art Collage

Garbage Art Collage- Recycle your old art,work you don't like or haven't finished. Add things from your junk mail, or a recycling box. Create a dynamic composition. Add a new image to become the focal point.

H-Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal - Create a design with
good positive and negative space using
scrap mattboard or draw with a heavy bead of white glue.
Wait for glue to dry (overnight). Then use a glue
stick to apply a layer of aluminum foil over the design.
Burnish, create wrinkles in the foil if desired.
Next add some india ink with a rag. Wipe on and off
until you have achieved the look of aged metal.
Add color if desired.


1. Illumination- skim through magazines and lookfor a high contrast pic that shows extreme artificial lighting. Look for color distortion.
Draw then paint a piece of it in your d. book.

2. Illumination- use a flashlight and digital camera to capture an extreme high contrast
self-portrait. Some detail should be eliminated,
the focus is on color and value. Paint the self-portrait. Capture the mood.

J-Jeremy Fish

Study the artwork of Jeremy Fish (aka supafishal).
Create your own animal hybrid using 2 or more
creatures or objects. J. Fish favors a neutral color scheme.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

K-Kehinde Wiley

by Kehinde Wiley

Study Kehinde Wiley's work.
Get someone at your house to
pose for you, or use a mirror &
draw a figure from life for at least
15 minutes. Draw a pattern in the
background then bring the pattern
into the foreground.

L-Literal Living Room

Draw your living room.
Alter it, give it human
characteristics, bring it to life.
Add value.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Metamorphosis- choose an image or word on a page.
Preserve it, but cover everything else with gesso.
draw the image tranforming into something else.
Fill the page.


by Piet Mondrian

1. Negative/Positive
Study Piet Mondrian's early work.
Set up and draw a simple still life,
change all lines into a + or- sign.

2. Negative and positive space;
draw an object from life that has an interesting shape.
Add value. Next draw the negative space only,
shade inside.

O-Onion Portrait

Click on the link for detailed examples and lesson instructions of how to carve out and make an onion portrait.

Monday, June 21, 2010

P-Pencil Critter/Plastic bag mosaic

From the book From Ordinary to Extraordinary by Ken Vieth (Davis Publishing)

Draw a simple sillhouette of an animal. Then fill the animal with pencils of varying sizes. Add color and value.

Plastic Bag Mosaic -use a piece of contact paper
cut and tear plastic shopping bags stick to the contact
paper to create the image of your choice. When finished
stick to a painted page.

Q-Quick Draw

Study the drawings of Giacometti. Have a friend or family member pose for you for about 10 minutes. Use markers, charcoal, pens, pencils, or anything else you like to draw then overdraw the image. Build up shadows and highlights. Keep strokes loose like Giacometti.


Flip through magazines until you find a strange thought-provoking picture. Paste it into your book. On the next page reinterpret the image in a different style. Change color to black and white, or vice versa.

R-Recreate example #2

Use a word or piece of an image in your book,
recreate it two different ways on the opposite page. Use an unusual color palette, or shading style, or draw it backwards.

S-Surreal Animal

Study the work of Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, and Dorthea Tanning. Find a normal picture of an animal then alter it to create a peculiar surreal animal.

T-Texture Examples #1 and #2

Study the work of Andy Goldsworthy.
Go outside and pick up organic natural
objects like; feathers, twigs, flowers, leaves,
or pinecones. Back inside arrange the objects
in a strong interesting pattern. Use hot glue
or varnish to attach to the cover or a page of your book.

Crinkle up some brown paper towels. Mix water soluble varnish with some acrylic paint. Paint a section of your book cover, add the wrinkly paper towel, apply more varnish/paint mix. Allow to dry overnight. It will form a strong permanent bond, and create a "skin look".

T-Texture, example #3

Crinkle up aluminium foil, glue to a page with white glue. Add some diluted acrylic paint to bring out the wrinkles. Contrast with a drawn or painted image that's smooth.

U-Unusual View

Draw a distorted view of your room or part of the school. You can use a fisheye distortion, from the ground up, from the ceiling down, or add a black hole. Include shading, create drama with strong contrast.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

V-Very Old

Create a textured page by applying a layer of gesso, then some wrinkled tissue paper, then a 2nd layer of gesso. Working from a mirror or photo draw yourself in 60years. Add spots, wrinkles,white hair, or no hair, deepen shadows. Add color or value.


Draw 2 images on two right or left side pages. One image in black and white, and one in color. Cut one into even vertical strips to the edge, keep connected. Cut the other in horizonal strips. Weave together to form an interesting composition.

X-Xerox Transfer

Draw an image with high contrast, use markers or pen. Copy the image in different sizes on a standard photocopier. Stick the photocopies to contact paper or heavy duty packing tape, burnish with a spoon or ruler edge. Soak in soapy warm water for a couple of minutes, scrub off the paper, dry and stick on the following page.

Y-You, in the tabloids!

Create a self-portrait, caught in an embarassing situation. Work from a mirror or photograph. Capture your likeness, add value or color. Add a title.

Z-Zoom In

Students draw a tiny object 3 times, gradually increasing the size each time. Emphasis on composition, value, and detail

Z-Zoom In Example #2